Hearing Evaluation in Mesa, AZ

If you are experience Hearing problems, you’re not alone!


1 -In- 6 Baby Boomers


Struggle With Hearing Loss!

The Good News….

With today's modern advancements in hearing aid technology, there is no reason to "just put up" with hearing loss anymore.


Don’t Put Up With Hearing Loss Another Day!!!

While your hearing loss may seem insignificant now, it is impacting more than you think!


Your Family

Family members are also affected by hearing loss. They experience frustration and sadness seeing you isolate yourself from the people and activities that you love.


Your Safety

Hearing loss can cause a person to miss important signals and alerts, such an ambulance, or fire alarm. Don’t put yourself or others at risk. Call for a complimentary hearing test.


Your Happiness

Are you feeling left behind and not experiencing things that you enjoy due to hearing loss? Take back your quality of life!

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Your Work

Don’t get left behind at work due to hearing loss. In life you want to thrive. Take back your hearing health and your opportunity to grow!

Don’t miss out on the beautiful things life has to offer.

Hearing is as easy as A.B.C.

Click below to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY hearing evaluation today!


Hearing Loss Signs

Think you might have hearing loss? You've come to the right place.


People Tend To Wait 5 to 7 Years Between First Experiencing Symptoms and Seeking Help!



Are You Experiencing Symptoms?

  • Asking others to repeat themselves

  • Turning up the TV or radio to volume levels others find too loud

  • Having trouble hearing women’s and children’s voices

  • Having trouble hearing on the telephone

  • Feeling more irritable or depressed

  • Avoiding social situations that were once enjoyable

  • Having difficulty following a fast moving conversation

  • Missing important information at meetings

  • Being told by others that you have hearing loss

If you or a loved one is experiencing any of these symptoms call us today to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY hearing evaluation!

We are here to help!

Prevent Damage

Once permanent hearing damage occurs, it can't be reversed.

What can you do?

Hearing loss is a gradual and normal part of the aging process. However, excessive noise is still the primary cause. Permanent hearing loss can occur almost instantly with unprotected exposure to certain sounds.


How To Protect Yourself From Noise

  • If the sound level exceeds 85 dB (see chart below), reduce the noise level or wear hearing protection.

  • Lower the volume of your television, stereo, and iPod. Take special care if you use headphones or ear buds.

  • Be careful not to turn up your car stereo too loud to compensate for noise from engine and wind.

  • Wear custom noise filters or earplugs if you go to a rock concert, nightclubs, or stand next to loud speakers.

  • Wear noise-cancelling headphones or solid ear plugs if you use noise equipment such as drills, lawnmowers, etc.


Avoid Damage From Foreign Objects

  • Don’t use cotton swabs to clean your ears. Doing so may push wax down into your eardrum and can increase the production of wax and/or damage the eardrum.

  • void washing with unclean water to prevent ear infections.


What Are Decibels?

Decibels (dB) measure the intensity of sound: from 0 dB, which is the faintest sound the human ear can detect, to noise of a rocket launch which can exceed 180 dB.

Experts typically consider exposure to more than 85 dB to be dangerous, which means things like motorcycles, headphones, and lawnmowers have the potential to lead to permanent hearing loss.


Are You At Risk?

If you are exposed to sound above 85 dB, you may be putting your hearing at risk!


Don’t miss out on the beautiful things life has to offer.

Hearing is as easy as A.B.C.

Click below to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY hearing evaluation today!

Help A Loved One

Help those you care about get the hearing loss help they need.

 You Can Make A Difference!!!

Hearing loss doesn’t just affect the person who has it. Hearing loss also affects the spouse, family, and friends.

Physically, the inability to hear warning sounds or voices of dependents could potentially put lives in danger. Even emotionally, the impact resonates throughout the family and social circles - from frustrations with repeating things over and over again, to sadness seeing a loved one isolate from people and activities that they enjoy.

Convincing someone to seek help for hearing loss is the right thing to do, but not always the easiest.


What Can You Do?

  • Talk to your loved ones about your hearing concerns.

  • Gently remind them of their hearing loss every time you “translate” or repeat something for them.

  • Encourage them to visit a hearing professional to do more research and get their questions answered.

  • Offer to schedule and attend a hearing consultation with them.

  • Remind them they have nothing to lose and potentially everything to gain visiting a hearing professional.

Don’t miss out on the beautiful things life has to offer.

Hearing is as easy as A.B.C.

Click below to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY hearing evaluation today!


Tinnitus Relief

Tinnitus is the medical term for the sensation of hearing sound in your ears or head when no external sound is present. Typically, sufferers describe the sound as “ringing in ears,” though others describe it as hissing, buzzing, whistling, roaring, and even chirping.

The key thing to know is that Tinnitus is not a condition or disease. Instead, it is a symptom - typically something bigger, like an ear infection, high blood pressure, or most common, hearing loss.

It’s also important to know that everyone’s Tinnitus is different, which is what has made finding relief elusive…

Until Now!

Don’t miss out on the beautiful things life has to offer.

Hearing is as easy as A.B.C.

Click below to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY hearing evaluation today!

Take Action

Don't wait. Early hearing loss treatment is proven to be more effective.


 Sooner Is Better!!!

Over time, reduced stimulation to your ears and brain can actually impair the brain’s ability to process sound and recognize speech. The more speech recognition deteriorates, the more difficult it is to recover. When you can’t hear what is going on around you, your mental sharpness suffers.

The sooner you take action, the sooner you can put a stop to the negative effects of hearing loss, and the sooner you begin to regain sharpness, confidence and control.


We Are Here To Help!

If you think you or someone you know has hearing loss, the next step is an easy one - confirm by visiting ABC Hearing Centers today!

You can consult with a hearing aid specialist in our convenient office located in Mesa, Arizona. It’s important to see someone who specializes in hearing problems. Seeing a hearing specialist will ensure you will receive a comprehensive evaluation and precise measurement of your hearing loss.

Don’t miss out on the beautiful things life has to offer.

Hearing is as easy as A.B.C.

Click below to schedule your COMPLIMENTARY hearing evaluation today!